[PREP] Parrot 0.9.1: Platform, credits, responsible parties, languages

kjstol parrotcode at gmail.com
Fri Feb 13 10:50:38 UTC 2009

Dear all,
The 0.9.1 release of Parrot is coming soon, on Tuesday February 17; that's 4
days. If you have anything to add, please consider updating the files
PLATFORMS, CREDITS, RESPONSIBLE_PARTIES and language information at:

This release is slightly special with respect to languages, as many
languages are leaving the repository. Perhaps each language should start
keeping track with what Parrot release it's known to work. In any case,
languages that are no longer in the Parrot repository, no longer have to be
kept track of in the languages file.

As indicated before, this weekend I'll go through the commit messages to
update NEWS. Anyone is more than welcome to add to NEWS if s/he has stuff to
add from the top of the head. Sending updates through e-mail (to me
privately or to the list) is also welcome (as opposed to committing
yourself); whatever suits You.

Thank You Very Much,

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