call for readers II

register reg.ini register72 at
Tue Feb 24 09:17:43 UTC 2009

For what regards PIR I found that the contents in the docs/book toghether
with all the other documentation found in POD documents and on the website
is more than sufficient for getting the big picture about PIR. What I
would suggest is to give more visibility to the docs/book for example by a
direct citation/link in the PIR tutorial or somewhere else in a very visible
place in the Parrot website. I discovered the real value of the docs/book
only after  KJS pointed it to me as a valuable source of information.
I would like also to see much more on the internals of Parrot's calling
conventions. As it is today the book is outdated with the current status of
Parrot that only supports CPS calls. Furthermore I would like also to know
more of how CPS and parameters passing is implemented internally. While this
is not going to be useful to PIR users it is very interesting to better
understand Parrot architecture as a whole and it is essential knowledge to
people involved in JIT.
Just my 2 cents,
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