Re: chromatic — A Little Parrot Task for the Interested
Gary Hayward
hedgeward at
Sat Jan 3 17:10:54 UTC 2009
In response to Chromatic's request for input updating, here's a first-timer's
attempt at some of the pmc tests. I've extended blm's original list format
with clips from each file. I've cited RT tickets mentioned in the test,
without actually verifying that the skipped test is covered by the RT. In a
couple of these files there may be TODO text that gets defined but never
actually used.
I'm a long time lurker on parrot and rakudo discussions, and willing to help
out with cage cleaning and testing. Comments and suggestions on how best
to participate are welcome. I've got a working familiarity with subversion,
trac, valgrind, etc.
pmc/complex.t:eleven skips, one ticket, no TODO
-- skip( 1, 'div by zero not caught' )
-- skip( 1, 'instantiate n/y' )
-- skip( 1, 'inf is not platform-independent' )
-- skip( 17, 'failing on win32' )
-- skip( 3, 'add using subclass of Complex - RT #59630' )
pmc/env.t: two skips, no tickets
-- skip(1, "no native unsetenv")
pmc/eval.t: 1 TODO, no tickets
-- local $TODO = cannot 'rm' an open file on windows" if
$^O eq 'MSWin32';
pmc/exceptionhandler.t: one skip, no tickets, no TODO
-- skip(1,'Exception Handler subclass causes segfault')
pmc/filehandle.t: RT #46837 one TODO, one skip
-- # RT #46827 test open file, close file, delete file,
reopen previously opened stream
-- skip 'no asynch calls yet' => 1;
pmc/file.t: three skips, no TODOs, no tickets
-- skip "Links not available under Windows", 1 if $MSWin32;
-- skip 'file exists', 1 if $MSWin32;
pmc/float.t: 1 skip, no TODOs, no tickets
-- skip 'failing on win32' => 1 if $^O =~ m/win32/i;
pmc/io_status.t: multiple TODOs, no tickets, no skips
-- todo => 'not yet implemented'
pmc/key.t:one TODO, RT #60128
-- todo(0, 'register and non-register string keys should be
COW (RT #60128)' )
pmc/multidispatch.t: three TODOs RT #41374, #59628
-- pir_output_is( <<'CODE', <<'OUT', "MMD on PMC types - Any", todo
=> 'RT #41374' );
-- pir_output_is( <<'CODE', <<'OUTPUT', "add as method -
inherited", todo => 'RT #41374' );
-- pir_output_is( <<'CODE', <<'OUTPUT', "use a core func for an object",
todo => 'RT #59628' );
pmc/namespace.t:one SKIP, one TODO
-- skip( "immediate test, doesn't with -r (from .pbc)", 1 )
-- pir_error_output_like( <<'CODE', <<'OUTPUT', 'add_sub()
with error', todo => 'needs full implementation of PDD 17' );
pmc/nci.t: three SKIPs, two TODOs, RT #49718, RT #31292
-- skip( "Please make libnci_test$PConfig{load_ext}",
Test::Builder->expected_tests() );
-- skip( "nci_dlvar_int hangs on HP-UX", 1 ) if $^O eq 'hpux';
-- skip( "nci_dlvar_int hangs on HP-UX", 1 ) if $^O eq 'hpux';
-- todo => 'RT #49718, add scheduler tasks to JIT'
-- 'nested structs should be independent', todo => 'RT #31292'
pmc/object-meths.t:two SKIPs, no tickets
-- skip( "currently broken", 1 );
-- skip( "no bound NCI method", 1 );
pmc/object.t: one TODO
-- TODO add more tests as this is documented and implemented
pmc/os.t: five SKIPs, no tickets
-- #test rename
-- skip 'not implemented on windows yet', 1 if ( $MSWin32 &&
$MSVC );
-- skip 'lstat not available on Win 32 yet', 1 if $MSWin32;
-- skip "Symlinks not available under Windows", 2 if $MSWin32;
-- skip "Parrot link not implemented for Windows, yet", 2 if $MSWin32;
pmc/pair.t: one SKIP, no tickets
-- skip( "instantiate disabled", 1 );
pmc/pmc.t: one SKIP, no tickets
-- skip( "no instantiate", 1 );
pmc/ref.t: one SKIP, no tickets
-- skip(3,'pending new Ref semantic')
pmc/scalar.t: one SKIP, no tickets
-- skip(1, "doesn't work yet") #$P0 = new 'scalar'
pmc/signal.t: three SKIPs, no tickets
-- skip( "works standalone but not in test", 1 );
-- plan skip_all => 'Signals currently disabled';
-- plan skip_all => 'No events yet';
-- skip( "works standalone but not in test", 1 );
pmc/stringhandle.t: one skip RT #46827 referenced
-- skip 'no asynch calls yet' => 1;
pmc/string.t: one possible Todo
-- tr_array = new 'FixedIntegerArray' # Todo char array
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