Tests failing on Windows

Allison Randal allison at parrot.org
Sun Jan 11 00:00:15 UTC 2009

ajr at ippimail.com wrote:
> Recently, using the Strawberry Perl environment on Windows, there have
> been a lot more error messages (failing tests, &c.) than on Linux. (At one
> point, make perl6 failed.) Is this a sign that someone is actively
> developing in that environment? (In that case, filing bug reports would
> presumably be redundant.)

We have fewer regular testers on Windows than on other platforms. 
Generally, if you have more failures on Windows in some configuration it 
means that configuration hasn't been adequately tested.

> If reports are needed, would one all-encompassing ticket be preferable, or
> one ticket per failed test?

Agreed with Jonathan.


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