migration of subversion to parrot.org

Patrick R. Michaud pmichaud at pobox.com
Wed Jan 14 14:42:59 UTC 2009

Frankly, this sucks.

First, it would have been nice to have more than eleven hours'
notice for this.  Even a mention at yesterdays #parrotsketch
would have been useful.

Second, I had already discussed with Jerry (particle) that
Rakudo really ought to remain on perl.org's subversion server,
and *NOT* be migrated to parrot.org only to be migrated back
to perl.org again.

Lastly, the reason why Rakudo hasn't made any specific progress
towards moving out of the repo is because it was my understanding
that repository moves would be taking place _after_ the January
release, which isn't until next week.  I certainly hadn't seen
any announcements or discussion to the contrary.

Can we please postpone this until we get a chance to decide how
Rakudo should transition in all of this?  Moving Rakudo to a
new repository only to have it move yet again without having
an opportunity to warn Rakudo developers and users about the
change is... well... annoying.


On Tue, Jan 13, 2009 at 11:29:20PM -0800, Allison Randal wrote:
> Our perl.org and parrot.org admins will be migrating our subversion 
> repository tomorrow (Jan 14th). The svn.perl.org repository will go down 
> at 19:00 UTC (11am Pacific time, where the servers are located), and we 
> anticipate they'll be up again on svn.parrot.org before 2am UTC (6pm 
> Pacific time). I'll keep you updated as things move along, and let you 
> know when you can start committing again.
> Commit access on the new servers is managed through Trac, so if you're a 
> committer and haven't registered on Trac yet, please do so now, so we 
> can grant you svn permissions.
> Allison
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