migration of subversion to parrot.org

Allison Randal allison at parrot.org
Wed Jan 14 20:55:19 UTC 2009

I'll summarize some of the factors that have gone into all the 
discussions around migration of parrot hosting, and particularly subversion.

- Part of moving to 1.0 is participating fully in all the language 
communities that target Parrot. The perl.org hosting has been a 
wonderful help for many years, but it hurts us now as we build those 

- The migration from one svn repository to another only takes a few 
hours, and with a quick command of "svn switch --relocate" developers 
can continue with their current working copies without a hitch.

- The move will also give us full integration with Trac, so tickets link 
to commits, link to wiki pages, and we can do searches across all three 

- Moving to git or bzr or some other completely different source control 
system this close to 1.0 is just too disruptive. (I didn't see TT #138, 
will comment on it now.)


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