[perl #41825] [BUG] morph vtable override not working in PIR

Will Coleda will at coleda.com
Thu Jan 15 18:43:29 UTC 2009

On Thu, Jan 15, 2009 at 1:32 PM, Andrew Whitworth via RT
<parrotbug-followup at parrotcode.org> wrote:
> Okay, I've committed a variant of my patch in r35599, but I've run into
> some issues while trying to test this. The morph VTABLE interface takes
> an INTVAL which represents the PMC type to morph to. This is the value
> that's passed to the morph subroutine. However, there's no easy way
> (that I know of) to work with these numbers from PIR. For instance, you
> can't create a new PMC of that type from the number, you can't convert
> that number to the stringified name of the PMC, you can find out what
> the type number is of an existing class, etc.

As kj pointed out, this interface was deliberately removed from PIR.

> I think there are two options to fix this:
> 1) Add some opcodes such as "typename_s_i" and "typenumber_i_s" that
> would convert between the string name of the PMC and the given type
> number or


> 2) Change src/pmc/object.pmc:morph() to pass the stringified name to the
> PIR override instead of the INTVAL type number.

More generally, change the morph vtable to take a 'Type' instead of an
it. In fact, given recent discussions about types on other threads,
this should probably take a PMC, not a String, and take the same types
as 'new' does.

Then we remove one more point where the int number was exposed
outstide of the C api.

> I like the second one the best since type numbers may change internally
> and we don't want people to be relying on them for other purposes.
> However, then the morph vtable override in PIR will take a different
> parameter list from the C version of the VTABLE interface, which might
> get confusing.
> Any suggestions?
> --
> Andrew Whitworth
> a.k.a Whiteknight
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Will "Coke" Coleda

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