[perl #41825] [BUG] morph vtable override not working in PIR

Will Coleda will at coleda.com
Sat Jan 17 18:25:04 UTC 2009

On Sat, Jan 17, 2009 at 11:11 AM, Jonathan Worthington
<jonathan at jnthn.net> wrote:
> Patrick R. Michaud wrote:
>> Just for the record, AFAICT none of PGE/PCT/Rakudo make use of
>> morph any longer.
> This is true AFAIK too.
>> We now have the 'copy' opcode to do what the "morph workaround" was doing (and I don't think copy is using VTABLE_morph).
> IIRC, copy once used to, but stopped doing so when I realized that we
> morphed...and then copied right over whatever morph might have produced. :-)
> FWIW, I've yet to find a use case for morph in anything I've done in
> Rakudo. Between the copy op and our rebless_subclass dynop, we've got
> what we've needed to date.
> I'm curious - is anyone else doing a HLL on Parrot that uses morph? If
> nobody is, is it worth spending time on, or even worth keeping?
> Thanks,
> Jonathan

Tcl is using it, but only because we copied it from the Perl5 sample
stuff a very long time ago. If it goes away, we can probably live with

Will "Coke" Coleda

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