[perl #41825] [BUG] morph vtable override not working in PIR

Allison Randal allison at parrot.org
Mon Jan 19 05:27:21 UTC 2009

Jonathan Worthington wrote:
> I'm curious - is anyone else doing a HLL on Parrot that uses morph? If 
> nobody is, is it worth spending time on, or even worth keeping?

'morph' was added specifically for the Perl 5 behavior of changing types 
when assigned to. But really, a more accurate representation of Perl 5 
behavior would be to have a single Scalar PMC that can act as a string, 
int, or number.

So, yes, it's possible that 'morph' could be deprecated. It needs a 
review of current uses to make sure that they're either unnecessary 
(most examples I've seen are), or can be cleanly substituted with 
something else.


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