PMC Review

François Perrad francois.perrad at
Mon Jan 19 09:31:01 UTC 2009

chromatic a écrit :
> I've just gone through the default PMCs built with the system, and here's what 
> I've found.  The following PMCs are unused:
> 	delegate - unused, appears to be the previous version of PMCProxy
> 	deleg_pmc - unused, appears to be the previous version of PMCProxy
> 	Enumerate - unused, specialization of Iterator
> 	Intlist - unused
> 	MultiArray - (unused) a multidimensional array
> 	Pair - key/value mapping (unused)
> 	Pointer - represents a pointer (unused)
> The following PMCs could also be removed, with a bit of cleverness:
> 	Closure - unused?
> 	Random - access to random numbers (Cardinal; use Math/Random.pir instead?)

The Random PMC is used by :
    the math library of Lua (languages/lua/src/lib/libmath.pir)
    the uuid library (runtime/parrot/library/uuid.pir)


> 	Ref - reference to a PMC (mostly unused, though look at default and undef)
> 	Sarray - a subroutine parameter array (mostly unused -- see global_setup.c)
> 	TQueue - only used in Cardinal
> I only looked through the languages currently in the repository, so anything 
> that's left recently may not reflect reality here.  I recommend deprecating 
> them all before the next release.
> -- c
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