
bsdz blairuk at googlemail.com
Fri Jul 17 11:59:38 UTC 2009

On 7 July, 20:07, Allison Randal <alli... at parrot.org> wrote:
> bsdz wrote:
> > This is the same as bug #562 I filed months ago. I also sent several
> > messages to the newsgroups and asked several questions in IRC.
> > However, no one wanted to rise to the challenge and decide how this
> > should work - no architect (or perhaps, one more interested in being
> > in control rather than deciding on important behaviour). It was this
> > bug or at least the way key players in the parrot team lacked interest
> > in it that led me to feel that Parrot isn't interested in supporting
> > any language other than Perl 6. This just made it all a bit too
> > cliquey for me.
> Yes, it's a bug, yes it needs to be fixed, and no we haven't fixed it yet.
> And, no, Perl 6 isn't the only language we're interested in supporting.
> Personally, I'm more interested in Python 3 at the moment, and there are
> a broad array of people working here who are more interested in various
> other languages.
> 99.999999999% of the time, if some task isn't getting done, the cause is
> limited volunteer time. So, you really don't need to stretch and invent
> more obscure motivations.

Allison, you are responsible for the Parrot internals architecture; so
why didn't you respond to earlier questions I raised here about how
this should work? Then I would have been willing to submit possible
patches (yes that would have been free "volunteer time" as you put
it). You renege on your responsibilities as an architect and you don't
seem to be bothered to work through the issues list to manage
duplicates, open tickets or anything else it appears for that matter.
Perhaps you should stick to writing code and books?

(Also Allison please do not send me anymore off-list messages about me
not doing things in an open-source community spirit when I try to
raise awareness of these issues. These forums are for raising issues
and trying to develop fixes for them.)

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