Here be dragons! Branch tt761_keys_revamp merged to trunk.

François Perrad francois.perrad at
Fri Jul 17 14:34:56 UTC 2009

2009/7/17 Vasily Chekalkin <bacek at>:
> François Perrad wrote:
>> * Cardinal : some tests complain of
>>        shift_pmc() not implemented in class 'StringIterator'
>> The issue could be easily fixed in Cardinal ( shift_pmc => shift_string +
>> box ).
> Fix and tests added at r40132. Thanks!

This implementation don't honor HLL, for example :

  .HLL 'wmlscript'
  .loadlib 'wmls_group'

  .sub 'main'
    $P0 = box 'text'
    $S0 = typeof $P0
    say $S0     # WmlsString
    $P1 = iter $P0
    $P2 = shift $P1
    say $P2
    $S0 = typeof $P2
    say $S0     # String


> --
> Bacek
> (I'm still trying to understand why Lua failing...)

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