Parrot embedding system

Radovan Baranec rado.baranec at
Thu Jul 30 10:24:14 UTC 2009

Thank you for fast reply.

result = Parrot_call_sub_ret_int(interp, sub, "II", 5);

"II" this magic string I was missing. The first one "I" for return value 
and the second one "I" for parameter. I tried it only with a space 
between them so that is the reason why I got error.

Now I have another question. Is there any way to pass argument only as a 
pointer because I don`t want to pass argument by value. To be more 
concrete I want to pass a pointer on packet data received from pcap and 
further process this data in Parrot. Thanks.


Jeff Horwitz napsal(a):
> On Wed, 29 Jul 2009, Radovan Baranec wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I am very interesting in Parrot embedding system it is part of my 
>> diploma project "The assessment of appropriateness of using virtual 
>> machines to decode packets". I`d like to ask how to pass arguments 
>> from C to Parrot subroutines? What is the best a most comfortable 
>> way? I will appreciate some examples.
> take a look at docs/embed.pod -- it has documentation on the functions 
> you'd be using, in particular the Parrot_call_sub family of functions. 
> you pass the subroutine name, a type signature for the arguments, and 
> the arguments themselves.
> you can find examples in t/src/extend.t and t/src/embed.t, as well as 
> real-world usage in the mod_parrot source in src/parrot_util.c (svn 
> repo at
>> I am also thinking about which data structure should I use to 
>> store/represent packet in PIR. If you have had ever meet this problem 
>> or solution pls let me know. Thanks.
> you can store the raw data in a PMC (very simple if you pass it as an 
> argument from C), and/or your could break it out into an object (also 
> a PMC).  you can do this from C or PIR.  it all depends on how and 
> where you plan on using the data.
>> btw: this is my first mailing list ever so pls have a patience with me
> welcome!
>> With best regards,
>> Radovan
> -jeff

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