parrot-dev Digest, Vol 24, Issue 11

luben karavelov luben at
Tue Aug 10 21:26:33 UTC 2010

On 10.08.2010 16:59, Paul C. Anagnostopoulos wrote:
> At 8/10/2010 08:00 AM, parrot-dev-request at wrote:
>> Date: Tue, 10 Aug 2010 01:01:42 +0300
>> From: luben karavelov <luben at>
>> When we look for the bucket to put/get a key we use something like this:
>> bucket_index = (hash_fn(key)) & hash->mask
>> Alternative approach that supports arbitrary values for M will be:
>> bicket_index = (hash_fn(key)) % M
>> The claim why it is like that (masking and power of 2 buckets) is that
>> this makes hash table expanding cheaper. A am not so sure that this is
>> true because I have not solid understanding of the current expand/resize
>> algorithm.
> I'm not sure why it would help with expansion, but it does help with the
> bucket index calculation, since it avoids a division. I don't know if
> that's worth worrying about. If we did go to an arbitrary-size bucket
> vector, we could easily detect whether the size is a power of two (at
> expansion time) and then AND the hash value; otherwise we would do a
> modulus.
> ~~ Paul
It helps with hash expansion because when you double the size of bucket 
store you have to move arround only a half of the keys, and their new 
locations is guarantted to be free


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