Large integers, ** and Int

Aaron Sherman ajs at
Tue Aug 17 15:40:25 UTC 2010

I did eventually discover that I needed to do this. The problem then became
that I can't reliably get exporting an infix:<+> operator from a module to
work. I'm sure I'm doing something wrong, but I pasted the code in #perl6
and no one seemed to have any ideas (TimToady suggested finding a way around
it via coercion, but I'm not really clear on how I could do that).

On Tue, Aug 17, 2010 at 8:53 AM, NotFound <julian.notfound at> wrote:

> >  %r = new ['BigInt']
> Try: %r = root_new['parrot';'BigInt']
> --
> Salu2

Aaron Sherman
Email or GTalk: ajs at
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