
Patrick R. Michaud pmichaud at
Thu Dec 16 18:28:04 UTC 2010

On Thu, Dec 16, 2010 at 10:10:53AM -0500, Andrew Whitworth wrote:
> I would like to create a folder docs/translations/ to hold
> translations. That way we don't fill up the root and other important
> directories with a million translations of things. So we would have a
> folder structure like this:
> docs/translations/fr/
> docs/translations/ru/
> docs/translations/pt/
> docs/translations/pt-BR/

Would it perhaps be better to maintain documentation translations
in a separate repository (or multiple repositories) altogether?  
That way commit bits could be given out much more freely for 
people doing translation -- i.e., we wouldn't need a CLA before
handing out a commit bit to new translators.

Just a thought.

Another thought:  Start it off as a separate repository for now,
and bring it into the main repository when we know better how we'd
like it to be structured.


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