Rakudo coredumps on a spectest on 64bit linux

Bruce Gray bruce.gray at acm.org
Sat Sep 11 01:41:31 UTC 2010

On Sep 10, 2010, at 5:28 PM, Bruce Gray wrote:

> On Sep 10, 2010, at 2:17 PM, Jonathan Leto wrote:
>> If anybody has any tuits about this:
>> http://rt.perl.org/rt3/Ticket/Display.html?id=77778
>> it would be greatly appreciated.
> Progress so far:
> When built on Ubuntu Lucid x86_64 with ICU packages installed  
> (libicu-dev libicu42), ignorecase.rakudo and dash-e.t run correctly.
> After removing the two ICU packages, the two tests fail exactly as  
> you described.

1) ignorecase.t - reduced to bare bones.
On a 64-bit system that lacks ICU;
Running this code:
    use v6;
    $_ = 'a';
gives this (appropriate) error:
    no ICU lib loaded
Uncommenting line 3 changes the error to:
    Confused at line 3, near "m:i/\u03b4/;\nm:"

I do not know why the two lines produce different errors, but I  
suspect it is a bug.

2) dash-e.t - reduced a single line.
On a 64-bit system that lacks ICU;
This produces the same error (segfault) as the whole dash-e.t file.
When I run it this way:
    parrot_install/bin/parrot perl6.pbc d1.p6
I get:
    attempt to access code outside of current code segment

I do not have a 32-bit system that lacks ICU,
but when I ran both examples on 32-bit Darwin with Parrot configured -- 
I get the exact same results.
Therefore, I think you can move this from 64-bit issues, to no-ICU  
Perhaps this will allow a larger pool of people to assist.

Hope this helps,
Bruce Gray (Util)

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