Rakudo coredumps on a spectest on 64bit linux

Nick Wellnhofer wellnhofer at aevum.de
Sat Sep 11 15:51:49 UTC 2010

On 11/09/10 03:41, Bruce Gray wrote:
> 1) ignorecase.t - reduced to bare bones.
> On a 64-bit system that lacks ICU;
> Running this code:
> use v6;
> $_ = 'a';
> #m:i/δ/;
> m:i/ß/;

By the way, the last one is a "LATIN SMALL LETTER SHARP S", not a "GREEK 
SMALL LETTER BETA" (β). This could explain the inconsistency. I'm not 
sure if it is a Parrot bug.


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