OpenBSD test failures in t/src/extend_vtable.t

Andy Dougherty doughera at
Thu Jul 21 14:41:15 UTC 2011

Tests 70 and 71 in t/src/extend_vtable.t are failing for me in 

At a quick glance, it looks like both tests are wrong.  They both do 
something like this:

    integer = (Parrot_Int) Parrot_PMC_get_pointer(interp, pmc);
    if (integer > 0)
        Parrot_printf(interp,"Got pointer!\n", integer);

Is there any reason to assume that an arbitrary pointer cast
to a (Parrot_Int) will be positive?  I'd think a simple test that the
pointer is non-NULL would be sufficient and appropriate.  That is, I'd
have been tempted to write it:

    void *ptr;
    ptr = Parrot_PMC_get_pointer(interp, pmc);
    if (ptr)
        Parrot_printf(interp,"Got pointer!\n");

But perhaps there's more to the story.

    Andy Dougherty		doughera at

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