'make smolder_fulltest' now available; 'make fulltest' revised

James E Keenan jkeen at verizon.net
Fri Oct 28 22:35:55 UTC 2011

On 10/22/11 12:51 PM, James E Keenan wrote:
> Friends,

> t/harness has accrued a lot of cruft over the years, so it seemed best
> to create a separate program, t/fullharness, to underlie 'make fulltest'
> and 'make smolder_fulltest'. Getting a single-overall-harness for 'make
> fulltest' was not too difficult. But getting 'make smolder_fulltest'
> forced me deep into the guts of TAP::Parser and TAP::Harness::Archive.
> The result was two subclassing packages,
> TAP::Harness::ReportByDescription and
> TAP::Harness::Archive::MultipleHarnesses. I've included them in Parrot
> under 'lib/', but I'll be discussing with the authors of their parent
> modules how to get them on CPAN. The documentation for these packages is
> not yet in good shape.
The documentation and testing for these two modules has been improved 
considerably and I have released them to CPAN: 
http://search.cpan.org/dist/TAP-Harness-Multiple/.  I have repeatedly 
tested 'perl t/fullharness', 'make fulltest' and 'make smolder_fulltest' 
on both Linux and Darwin, with satisfactory results.  So this branch is 
ready to be merged into master.

Since the two modules have been released to CPAN, there is no *inherent* 
reason why we need to have them bundled in the Parrot distribution.  So 
the current branch version of 't/fullharness' prompts the user to 
install them from CPAN.

On github, there has been discussion as to whether external dependencies 
should be placed (a) under lib/, where we have placed such libraries up 
until now; (b) under ext/; (c) or in a CPAN distribution like what used 
to be Bundle::Parrot or what today might be slotted in the 'Task::' 
namespace.  I'll leave that discussion to others and simply note that 
since I have released the distribution to CPAN the only place where I 
will *maintain* the distribution is on CPAN.

Implication:  If you like the branch as is, you can either merge it into 
master or respond to this email and have me merge it into master.  If 
you don't like the branch as is, you can clone the two Perl modules from 
CPAN and install them under lib/, ext/ or wherever, or bundle them, then 
do the merge.  And if you don't like the branch at all, you don't have 
to merge it at all.

Hope you enjoy t/fullharness!

Thank you very much.
Jim Keenan

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