Re: Doubt as to run in different languages ​​parrot that supports

Will Coleda will at
Sun Apr 15 19:58:08 UTC 2012

On Sat, Apr 14, 2012 at 12:36 PM, Maria Macias Alonso
<mariamac90 at> wrote:
> Hello!
> I would like more information on how to run python or tcl in the virtual
> machine I downloaded pynie parrot but I can not work me.
> I need to do some tests the performance of the Parrot virtual machine where
> it is shown that introspection, duck typing or language interoperability are
> advantages that definethe existence of the Parrot virtual machine.
> Thank you very much.
> María Macías Alonso
> _______________________________________________

There are 2 (partial) implementations of tcl available: - implemented in PIR directly - implemented using NQP, (not quite perl).

You should be able to clone either of them, and then (after installing parrot):

$ perl
$ make
$ make test

(At one point you could pass --gen-parrot to dynamically get and build
a copy of parrot locally for use with this, but that may have

Any new development will occur in partcl-nqp, but partcl passes
(passed?) more of the official tcl test suite. I make sure it builds
against the latest parrot release every so often.


Will "Coke" Coleda

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