whiteknight/io_cleanup1 branch ready for testing

James E Keenan jkeen at verizon.net
Fri Aug 17 00:30:35 UTC 2012

On 8/16/12 12:08 PM, Nicholas Clark wrote:
> On Tue, Aug 14, 2012 at 10:48:31PM -0400, James E Keenan wrote:
>> Test 28 in t/pmc/filehandle.t is that weird test which, as I've reported
>> several times, gives me this output under 'prove -v':
>> #####
>> not ok 28 - write after buffered read # TODO GH #811 Write error: No
>> space left on device on swap fs
>> #   Failed (TODO) test 'write after buffered read'
>> #   at t/pmc/filehandle.t line 927.
>> # Exited with error code: 1
>> # Received:
>> # 10
>> # Write error: No space left on device
>> # current instr.: 'test' pc 69
>> (/Users/jimk/gitwork/parrot/t/pmc/filehandle_28.pir:18)
>> #
>> # Expected:
>> # 10
>> # abcde#####klmno
>> #
>> #####

> 4294967286 isn't -10. There's a sign extension problem somewhere.
> Presumably as you're on PPC Darwin you're still on an version of OS X
> with ktrace and kdump. I guess that they'd show a similar problem with
> (not) -10

$> ktrace ./parrot t/pmc/filehandle_28.pir
$> kdump | tail -100 > tail_t_pmc_filehandle_28_pir_ktrace_dump

So here (attached) is the last 100 lines of the kdump.  I can send Nick 
or anyone else who can decipher this the full output.

Thank you very much.
Jim Keenan
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