Grand adventures merging the threads branch

Reini Urban rurban at
Sun Aug 19 05:29:43 UTC 2012

On Fri, Aug 17, 2012 at 12:38 AM, Jonathan "Duke" Leto
<jonathan at> wrote:
> Howdy,
> What is the current status of merging the threads branch?
> I can report a passing Smolder report here:
> on 25acd5ae and Linux with clang, but it sounds like slower machines
> are still having issues, as well as test runs run under the
> AddressSanitizer tool.
> Which platforms are needed for testing the threads branch? Is it only
> slow boxes that are failing tests now or are there still some platform
> specific issues with the new sleep opcode implementation?

I'll write a testcase which will expose the deadlock on every platform.
The idea is basically: sleep() for some time and send the process some signals.
It is undefined which thread will receive the signal (I asked Leont),
but with "some"(TM) hopefully the wrong thread will catch it.

With the tsan tool I could repro it always.
Reini Urban

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