Upcoming Release 4.1.0

Alvis Yardley ac.yardley at gmail.com
Thu Feb 9 08:48:07 UTC 2012

Hello all:

I am the release manager for the 4.1.0 release of Parrot, which will, if
everything goes smoothly, take place on Feb 21, 2012.  Because this is the
firt time I've ever attempted a release, I thought I would _try_ to follow the
guidelines set out in 'docs/project/release_manager_guide.pod'.

The guide states, "[a] couple of weeks in advance of the release, ask people
to run "make fulltest" and report (and hopefully fix!) any problems they
discover." So, I'm asking folks to "run 'make fulltest'" and "report (and
hopefully fix!) any problems ... [you] discover."

The guide also states I should ask folks "to review any issues targeted for
the upcoming release at <https://github.com/parrot/parrot/issues>." So, are
there any of which anyone is aware and of which I should be made aware?

Thank you.


P.S. I will also contact the Rakudo "language project leaders" to see if there
are "any potential release blockers."

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