cont_reuse branch.

Vasily Chekalkin bacek at
Mon Feb 20 10:42:23 UTC 2012


There is currently a problem with this branch. In the nutshell - IMCC
is freaking out on PASM code.

bacek at fireball:~/src/parrot$ cat t/pmc/eval_1.pasm
.pcc_sub :main main:
    compreg P1, "PASM"	# get compiler
    set_args "0", "print \"in eval\\n\"\nset_returns \"()\"\nreturncc\n"
    invokecc P1			# compile
    get_results "0", P0
    invokecc P0			# eval code P0
    print "back again\n"
bacek at fireball:~/src/parrot$ ./parrot -o t.pbc t/pmc/eval_1.pasm
in eval
back again
bacek at fireball:~/src/parrot$ ./parrot t/pmc/eval_1.pasm
Method 'main_sub' not found for invocant of class 'ResizablePMCArray'

If someone can look at it and help to resolve it we can merge this branch.


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