Merge of ayardley/upd_copyrights

Will Coleda will at
Mon Feb 27 20:34:27 UTC 2012

On Mon, Feb 27, 2012 at 3:31 PM, Alvis Yardley <ac.yardley at> wrote:
> Hello:
> I would like to merge 'ayardley/upd_copyrights' if there are no
> objections.
> The branch adds 'tools/dev/', a script to update
> all of the copyright notices throughout the repo.[1] It also updates the
> copyright notices of most, again, with a handful of exceptions, of the files
> throughout the repo.
> For example, it updates copyright notices like the following from,
> Copyright (C) 2001-2011, Parrot Foundation.
> to,
> Copyright (C) 2001-2012, Parrot Foundation.
> bringing them up to date, i.e., to the current year.[2]
> While it, of course, passes 'make fulltest', I am a'bit nervous about this
> repo-wide merge and, so, am asking folks to give it a'look-see and let me know
> what they think. Whether it is acceptable or not.
> Thank you.
> --
> Alvis
> [1] Well, except for a handful of files, which I except for, I think, good
> reason.
> [2] The reason for this is, while The Parrot Foundation's copyright, of
> course, extends up through to the present year, the notices "ought", imo,
> reflect this fact. That is to say, the copyright notice "ought" to assert the
> Foundation's copyright up through to the current year.
> _______________________________________________

Based on conversations I've seen on perl5-porters, I'm not convinced
this is necessary or worth the cycles... but that probably would have
been a more useful statement to make before you wrote any code; sorry.

Will "Coke" Coleda

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