[support.osuosl.org #21636] Cannot create new content on parrot.org

Jonathan "Duke" Leto jonathan at leto.net
Wed Oct 24 14:15:16 UTC 2012


OSUOSL, you can close this ticket.

cotto++ came up with a fix, which requires using this URL:




On Tue, Oct 23, 2012 at 10:03 PM, Jonathan "Duke" Leto
<jonathan at leto.net> wrote:
> Howdy,
> Thanks for answering so quickly, Lance!
> You are correct that our SSL certificate is expired, but even when
> confirming the exception, I just see a blank area under "Create
> content". Here is a screenshot:
> http://leto.net/tmp/parrot_empty.png
> Duke
> On Tue, Oct 23, 2012 at 8:41 PM, Lance Albertson via RT
> <support at osuosl.org> wrote:
>> Can you try doing it from https? Seems like the certificate has expired but
>> it should probably work. I suspect you're hitting an issue with varnish.
>> On Tue, Oct 23, 2012 at 7:47 PM, Jonathan Leto via RT <support at osuosl.org>wrote:
>>> I am trying to create content on parrot.org via
>>> http://www.parrot.org/node/add but I get a mostly empty screen.
>>> Can you help us remedy the situation? The parrot.org drupal instance
>>> was recently upgraded, which I believe to be the problem.
>>> This is currently blocking the announcement of the latest Parrot release,
>>> 4.9.0.
>> --
>> Lance Albertson
>> Associate Director of Operations
>> Oregon State University | Open Source Lab
> --
> Jonathan "Duke" Leto <jonathan at leto.net>
> Leto Labs LLC http://labs.leto.net
> 209.691.DUKE http://dukeleto.pl

Jonathan "Duke" Leto <jonathan at leto.net>
Leto Labs LLC http://labs.leto.net
209.691.DUKE http://dukeleto.pl

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