[members] Parrot Foundation: Minutes of 2010 Annual Meeting

James E Keenan jkeen at verizon.net
Tue Dec 21 01:57:29 UTC 2010


I have drafted minutes of our annual membership meeting which was  
conducted on August 31 of this year.  Please see attachment.  The  
format of these minutes follows that of the previous year (http:// 

Please review these minutes for accuracy.  I listed as attendees  
those you stated they were present when Jerry Gay requested them to  
do so (http://irclog.perlgeek.de/parrotsketch/2010-08-31).  I  
translated IRC handles to what I understand to be your official  
names, mostly drawn from CREDITS.  If you were present at the meeting  
but did not record your attendance, or if I spelled your name  
incorrectly, please respond ASAP.  Hearing no objection, I will post  
these to our website during #parrotsketch on Tuesday, December 28, 2010.

Thank you very much.
Jim Keenan

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