[members] update on Parrot Foundation status

Allison Randal allison at parrot.org
Fri Apr 19 02:32:34 UTC 2013

On 04/18/2013 06:59 PM, Jonathan "Duke" Leto wrote:
> All
> current PaFo money needs to be earmarked, so that in the future, that
> can be dispersed to *Parrot* projects, which might not have anything to
> do with Perl.

Like I said, TPF will do this if we request it, that's all it takes.

> I also think it is confusing: Are you speaking on behalf of Parrot, The
> Perl Foundation, both, neither? You have ties in all directions.

I'm a director of the Perl Foundation and a member of the Parrot
Foundation. My actions on the Parrot side are as a part of a community
of Parrot developers who would very much like to see Parrot survive and
thrive past the current crisis. My actions on the Perl Foundation side
are simply conveying a rescue offer.

Do you understand the magnitude of personal legal liability you have as
a director of a mis-managed and crumbling foundation? This is serious
business, and Parrot Foundation doesn't have Director's Insurance to
protect you.


I'm trying to save Parrot. It's important to me.


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